56 (가나다 순)
분류 Name Season 구독여부 Status 평가(★) 자료 기타
미국 24 Hours 8시즌 Done Close   DVD  
미국 Alias 5시즌 Done Close   DVD  
미국 Ally Mcvill 3시즌 ~ing Open      
미국 Brothers and Sisters 5시즌 13 ~ing Open      
미국 Breaking Bad   Done        
미국 C.S.I. Lasvegas 3시즌 No Close      
미국 Desperate housewives 8시즌 ~ing Open ★★★★    
미국 Designated Survivor 시즌2 ~ing        
미국 Flash Forward   Done Close      
미국 Friends 10시즌 Done Close      
미국 Fringe 3시즌 15 No Close      
미국 Game of Throne 시즌5 ~ing Open ★★★★    
미국 Gosspi girl 3시즌 ~ing Open   Nas  4,5 다운받음
미국 Greys anatomy ? ~ing Open      
미국 Heroes 4시즌 No Close      
미국 House 2시즌 ~ing Open      
미국 Homeland 2시즌 ? ~ing        
미국 Lie to me 3시즌 13 ~ing Open      
미국 Lost 6시즌 No Close      
미국 Messiah 시즌1 ~ing        
미국 Narcos 2시즌 ?  ~ing        
미국 Orange is the new black   ~ing        
미국 Peaky Blinders 시즌2 ~ing        
미국 Prison break 4시즌 Done Close   DVD  
미국 Queens Gambit 1시즌 Done        
미국 Rome 2시즌 Done Close      
미국 Sex and The City 4시즌 On Close   DVD  
미국 Small ville 8시즌 No Close      
미국 Sopranos 3시즌 ~ing Open      
미국 Spaftacus(스파르타쿠스)   Done Close      
미국 Suits 4시즌 ~ing Open      
미국 The Closure 2시즌 No Close      
미국 The O.C. 6시즌 Done Close      
미국 The Office 5시즌 15 ~ing Open   DVD  
미국/영국 Tudors   Done        
미국 Ugly Betty 4시즌 ~ing Open      
미국 You (너의 모든 것) 시즌2 Done        
미국 Virgin River 시즌2 ~ing        
미국/캐나다 Versailles (베르사유)   Done        
일본 노다메 칸타빌레   Done Close      
일본 오늘은 회사 쉬겠습니다   Done Close      
중국 신삼국지   Done Close ★★★★★ Segate 하드  
중국 유성화원 2시즌 Done Close ★★★★ Segate 하드  
중국 의천도룡기   Done Close      
중국 초한쟁웅   ~ing Open      
한국 가을 동화   Done Close      
한국 겨울연가   Done Close      
한국 대장금 30편?? ~ing Open   Nas  
한국 모래 시계   Done Close      
한국 여명의 눈동자   Done Close      
한국 올인   Done Close      
한국 응답하라 1994   Done Close ★★★★    
한국 정도전   Done Close ★★★★★    
한국 업데이트 중단
한국 화정 6편 ~ing Open      
Notice 동영상-도서-만화_목록_220804.xlsx
19912   Aug 04, 2022 Aug 04, 2022 14:44
Notice 7년 간의 일기 (재테크 실전 사전)
42966   Apr 21, 2020 Apr 21, 2020 00:13
Notice 미네르바 2008년
46867   Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020 16:58
Notice 맛집 - 박차장 등
122247   Nov 27, 2015 Nov 27, 2015 23:34
Notice 동영상-도서-만화_목록_151101.xlsx 9 file
131338   Nov 01, 2015 Jun 11, 2022 23:43
Notice 맛집 - 백종원의 3대천왕 (미완성)
139187   Oct 18, 2015 Oct 18, 2015 19:25
Notice 맛집 - 수요미식회 ~16회 1
115805   Oct 17, 2015 Oct 19, 2015 08:18
Notice 맛집 누적 v1.12 22
109958   Sep 24, 2015 Feb 21, 2021 20:45
394 [영자신문] Nelson Mandela Bank Notes to Be Issued in South Africa [24-02-2012]
13210   Mar 02, 2012 Mar 02, 2012 07:02
Nelson Mandela Bank Notes to Be Issued in South Africa [24-02-2012] 앞면에 Do you know who Nelson Mandela is? He is a national hero in South Africa. He was the first black president of South...  
393 [영자신문] Are Energy Drinks Really Helpful? [24-02-2012]
14302   Feb 29, 2012 Feb 29, 2012 07:05
Are Energy Drinks Really Helpful? [24-02-2012] These days, energy drinks are gaining huge popularity among teens. They are known to help you stay awake and alert. However, these drinks contain too muc...  
392 [영자신문] Three Honorable Vice Mayors Named for Seoul [24-02-2012]
12356   Feb 28, 2012 Feb 28, 2012 07:03
Three Honorable Vice Mayors Named for Seoul [24-02-2012] 의견 Last week, Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon posed for a photo with three honorary vice mayors at City Hall in central Seoul. The three member...  
391 [영자신문] A Brave Prince! Ready for Combat! [17-02-2012]
49331   Feb 24, 2012 Feb 24, 2012 07:03
A Brave Prince! Ready for Combat! [17-02-2012] 아늑한 Who said a prince must only stay in his castle? Well, as you may or may not know, most princes in the world prefer to live a safe, comfortable ...  
390 40대 직장男, 10년 청약통장 필요없다며
11953   Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012 08:24
40대 직장男, 10년 청약통장 필요없다며… Writer Date 2012-02-16 Views 1334 Attachment 40대 직장인 이 모씨는 10년 넘게 보유했던 청약부금 통장을 최근 해지했다. 청약부금은 중소형 민영주택에 청약할 수 있다. 하...  
389 [영자신문] World’s Tallest Bridge [17-02-2012]
16298   Feb 23, 2012 Feb 23, 2012 07:07
World’s Tallest Bridge [17-02-2012] 상품 Recently, a very tall bridge was built in Mexico. The name of the bridge is “Puente Baluarte.” It connects the states of Sinaloa and Durango. It is 1,124 ...  
388 [영자신문] The Road to London isn’t Easy [17-02-2012]
14999   Feb 22, 2012 Feb 22, 2012 06:52
The Road to London isn’t Easy [17-02-2012] 극심한, 치열한 The recent Olympic football qualifier between South Korea and Saudi Arabia was intense. Luckily, South Korea eked out a 1-1 draw against Saudi...  
387 [영자신문] Working Women Hits an All-time High [04-02-2012]
16804   Feb 10, 2012 Feb 10, 2012 07:04
Working Women Hits an All-time High [04-02-2012] 노동 인구 According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance기획재정부 and Statistics Korea통계청, the number of female workers went up 1.8 percent comp...  
386 부동산 세금·수수료 아끼려면
13924   Feb 09, 2012 Feb 09, 2012 14:57
부동산 세금·수수료 아끼려면 소유권 이전 등기땐 채권 매입 인터넷 대행서비스 적극 활용 기사입력 | 2011-04-15 국민은행이 운영하는 부동산 계산기 사이트(http://land.kbstar.com). 부동산 거래로 발생하는 취득세는 물론이고 양...  
385 [영자신문] I Finally Did It! [04-02-2012]
12974   Feb 08, 2012 Feb 08, 2012 07:02
I Finally Did It! [04-02-2012] ~을 다루다, 처리하다 Last week, a 16-year-old Dutch girl named Laura Dekker made history. She became the youngest person to sail alone around the world! The amazing girl star...  
384 [영자신문] Mariah Tweets for her Husband [20-01-2012]
14114   Feb 03, 2012 Feb 03, 2012 07:08
Mariah Tweets for her Husband [20-01-2012] 건강에 대한 불안(위협) Nick Cannon, the husband of diva Mariah Carey, was reportedly hospitalized after suffering from kidney failure. Carey recently tweeted a ...  
383 [영자신문] Top 5 Tourist Destinations for 2012 [26-01-2012]
17421   Feb 02, 2012 Feb 02, 2012 07:05
Top 5 Tourist Destinations for 2012 [26-01-2012] 해변 Lonely Planet, the world’s largest travel guidebook, recently revealed the top five tourist destinations of 2012. They collected hundreds of ide...  
382 [영자신문] A Different View of the United States [27-01-2012]
16150   Jan 31, 2012 Jan 31, 2012 07:05
A Different View of the United States [27-01-2012] 능력 It is common knowledge that North Korea’s state media often described the U.S. in countless negative terms. Throughout history, North Korea’...  
381 '꾼'들도 깨지는 시기···"3040 부동산투자 쉬어라
12153   Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012 23:27
사진퍼가기 이용안내 --> "주변에 난다긴다 하던 소위 '선수'들도 다 깨지고 있어요. 이럴 땐 쉬는 것도 전략입니다."  지난해 '아파트의 몰락'(랜덤하우스)이란 책으로 세간의 관심을 모은 남우현씨(36·그림)는 올 한해 부동산시장...  
380 [영자신문] Why Is Cinema Etiquette Important? [13-01-2012]
14895   Jan 17, 2012 Jan 17, 2012 07:02
Why Is Cinema Etiquette Important? [13-01-2012] 휴대폰 Everyone loves going to the movies. Many people prefer to go and see a movie on the big screen. Enjoying movies with your family or friends i...  
379 [영자신문] New Grading System for High School Students [13-01-2012]
14583   Jan 16, 2012 Jan 16, 2012 06:58
New Grading System for High School Students [13-01-2012] 채점 등급 The high school grading system is about to be revolutionized. Recently, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology교육과학기술...  
378 [영자신문] The New Regime in Question [06-01-2012]
14858   Jan 09, 2012 Jan 09, 2012 07:00
The New Regime in Question [06-01-2012] ~에 부응하다, 부끄럽지 않게 하다 The North Korean state media continues to praise Kim Jong-un after his appointment to Pyongyang’s highest military post. It is ...  
377 [영자신문] K-pop Audition Shows Spreads Rapidly [30-12-2011]
14974   Jan 04, 2012 Jan 04, 2012 07:06
K-pop Audition Shows Spreads Rapidly [30-12-2011] 준비(조직)하다 For the past few months, Korean pop music has been gaining popularity on an international scale. Of course, it is ever so popular in th...  
376 [영자신문] Another Surprise Shocks the Nation [30-12-2011]
13387   Jan 03, 2012 Jan 03, 2012 07:06
Another Surprise Shocks the Nation [30-12-2011] 대변인 The death of the late founder and honorary chairman of global steel company POSCO brought grief and sadness to countless corporate leaders and ...  
375 [영자신문] Emergency Sessions to Create Measures [30-12-2011]
24567   Jan 02, 2012 Jan 02, 2012 07:07
Emergency Sessions to Create Measures [30-12-2011] 외교 사절단 The nation’s parliament held an emergency meeting to discuss the aftermath of the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il. Various committee...